Friday, April 4, 2008


A nice little article for Movement Skis from sponsored athlete Les Manley.

Plus, Powderquest - a Movement affiliate guiding operation based in Argentina.



FYI - Goliaths Rule!!!!

BOOK REVIEW - Backcountry Magazine March 08

"There is no substitute for experience, and trial and error can have dire consequences in the mountains. But reading up on the latest tools and techniques is a good start."

BOOK REVIEW - National Geographic Adventure, January 2008

"Backcountry skiers now have a bible of their own." - Gear Guru, Steve Casimiro

BOOK REVIEW - Mountain Gazette Winter '08

"Freedom of the Hills. For the climber or true mountaineer it's various versions are the bible for the sport. Especially if that inlcudes walking, or rapping, postholing, or downclimbing. Mine, well, its only about going up when it's all about coming down. And now ski-mountaineering, or hard-core backcountry, has a bible of it own: Free Skiing: How to adapt to the mountain by Jimmy Oden. It's a new bible for a new age."

OUTSIDE'S GO - January 2008

"The Iki is one of the company's newest powder boards - and we're impressed!"

PLENTY - January 2008

"Smart sticks...these Swiss freeriders are both versatile and eco savvy."